Rebel Moon Wiki
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For other uses of "Bloodaxe", see Bloodaxe (disambiguation).

Rebel Moon: House of the Bloodaxe is a comic series starring the Bloodaxe family (notably Darrian and Devra Bloodaxe). It was first announced by Zack Snyder on October 20, 2023, with a release date of January 10, 2024, for the first of four monthly issues. The series is written by Mags Visaggio based on a story from Zack Snyder and is illustrated by Clark Bint with colors from Francesco Segala.

The series was later compiled into a paperback and released on August 6, 2024.


"As war is looming on the horizon on the planet Shasu, the reluctant ruler of the Bloodaxe family is conflicted between living up to his father's domineering legacy and maintaining the peace. It is up to him to settle the conflicts within himself, and his family, before the entire planet erupts in war."

Official synopsis, Titan Comics



Mags Visaggio wrote House of the Bloodaxe between March and April of 2023.[1] Zack Snyder conceived of the basic premise and she worked with him while writing the comic. According to her, the process began with Snyder providing her with three characters and a scenario (Devra, Darrian, and their father when the Imperium came about) as well as requesting several specific scenes[2], then leaving her the creative leeway to fill in most of everything else. From time to time, Snyder would reportedly consult and ensure that characters would not diverge from canon, such as when he suggested adjustments to Titus' character for the one scene in which he appears. Visaggio had to write the comic before seeing the movie due to the intended release schedule but was given greater trust than her previous creative teams, allowing her to build with great involvement in the core development of the setting and characters involved.[3]

Mags and Zack initially discussed the idea of further exploring the religions of the Rebel Moon universe in the comic. Ultimately, such plans never made it into the final product, but Visaggio was hopeful that she could explore them in a possible future comic.[4] Similarly, she wanted to include the Scribes, but found there wasn't enough space for them in the pages she was allotted.[5]

The first printing of House of the Bloodaxe #1 quickly sold out and it received a second printing to coincide with the release of #2.


  1. Mags Visaggio. "Im working this week to wrap up a very involved, incredibly worldbuildy (I invented a language) sci-fi comic script". Twitter. Retrieved on October 20, 2023. “. . .with one of the biggest directors in the world AND writing a TV pilot”
  2. Other details
  3. Rich Johnston. "How Magdalene Visaggio Worked With Zack Snyder on Rebel Moon". Bleeding Cool. Archived from the original on November 25, 2023. Retrieved on November 25, 2023. “I had to write HOUSE OF THE BLOODAXE before ever seeing the movie — because they wanted to get going on it EARLY to accommodate Zack's schedule — and I think that was a good thing, because it didn't hem me in.”
  4. Rebel Moon religions
  5. Inclusion in the comic

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Rebel Moon franchise
Canon: A Child of Fire (Chalice of Bloodnovelization)• The Scargiver (Curse of Forgivenessnovelization) • House of the BloodaxeThe SeneschalThe DescentBlood LineKaliRebel Moon 3
Behind the scenes: Rebel Moon Fan ContestWolf: Cosmology & TechnologyWurm: Heroes & MonstersCreatioThe Portraits of Rebel MoonCreating a Universe
Non-canon: The Rebel HarvestLiquid Death x Rebel MoonF FUEL is for FarmersSmith's Spud SurveillanceInvasiónNetflix NextworldOutskirts Battles